Saturday, 7 March 2015

Dijual / For Sale:

Dijual sebuah unit kuliner (RM.Ciriung Indah) beserta rumah tinggal yang terletak di Jalan Raya Mayor Oking No.123 tidak jauh dari pintu tol Cibinong - Citeureup.

Dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut di bawah ini:
Luas tanah : +/- 1.000m2 (SHM), terdiri dari 2 unit bangunan utama.
Memiliki Lahan terbuka: berupa tempat parkir usaha yg cukup luas,       ruang terbuka untuk bertanam.
Kamar tidur : 6
Kamar mandi : 4
Daya Listrik : 10.500W & 2.200W.
Telpon : 2 Line + 1 Line Internet Speedy 3Mbps.
Fasilitas Umum : mushola & tempat lesehan.
Berikut Fasilitas usaha Kuliner dari (RM.Ciriung Indah).
AC Split : 3 Unit merk LG (2PK)
Kolam Ikan
Dapur Usaha
Harga Penawaran : 20 Milyar rupiah (Nego).
Bagi yang berminat dapat langsung datang ke lokasi dan tanpa perantara; dgn bapak Lim.

Sold a culinary unit (RM.Ciriung Indah) and houses located on Highway 123 Major Oking
not far from the toll booth Cibinong - Citeureup.
With the following specifications below:
Total land area: +/ - 1,000m2 (SHM), consists of two main buildings. 
Have open land: a parking lot business which is quite extensive, open space for farming. 
Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 Electricity: 10.500W & 2.200W. Phone: 2 line + 1 line Speedy Internet 3Mbps. Public Facilities: mosque and a lesehan (Sundanese traditional of eat). The following facilities Culinary efforts of (RM.Ciriung Indah). AC Split: 3 Units brand LG (2PK), Fish Pond, Kitchen Enterprises. Price Offer: 20 billion rupiahs (Negotiable). For those who are interested can come to the site directly and without intermediaries; with Mr. Lim.
This below is the picture: